Teacher’s Motivation to Use Play as a Medium of Instruction

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Manyara, Chrisanto Omwenga
Murungi, Catherine Gakii
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The purpose of this study was to establish the influence of pre-school teachers’ level of motivation on use of play as a medium of instruction in pre-school children’s learning. It aimed at finding out if there is level of motivation that can make teachers to use play as a medium of instruction and participate in children’s play activities for children’s learning and enjoyment. Play is essential for the learning and development of children because it contributes to the cognitive, physical, social, and emotional well-being of children. It offers an ideal opportunity for teachers to engage fully with their children. Despite the benefits derived from play for both children and teachers, time for free play has been markedly reduced for some children. The study was carried out in Masaba north District of Nyamira County Kenya. The study location has pre-schools of the two categories of sponsorship: public, private both in rural and urban areas. The study was aimed at understanding of when and how pre-school teachers get involved to children’s play and demonstrate personal practices involving effective participation. The key finding was that teachers need motivation for them to use play as a medium of instruction. There are a number of motivators that can increase the teachers’ motivation to use play as a medium of instruction and participate in children’s ’play such as good salary, good management and personal convenience. The study recommended that the national and county governments as well as communities to work together to improve ECDE teachers’ terms and conditions of service as well as come up with a salary scale commensurate to the teachers academic grade. Children deserve the right of free play and therefore teachers’ level of motivation to use play as a medium of instruction should be encouraged to participate in children’s’ play
Play, motivation, pre-school teachers, medium of instruction, learning, good salary, good management, personal convenience, learning, development, emotional, intellectual, physical, social skills
Manyara, C. O., & Murungi, C. G. (2018). Teachers Motivation to Use Play As a Medium of Instruction.